Thursday, 22 March 2018

Comp 1: Videogames


Physicist William Hinginbotham created
the first video game in 1958. It was
a simple tennis game. 

The First Interactive Computer Game in 1961. In 1961 Steve Russell created Spacewar. 

The First Video Arcade Game - 1970/1
In 1970 Nolan Bushell and Ted Dabney attempted to create a arcade version of Ralph Baer's Spacewar.
In 1971 Computer Space (Spacewar) became the first video arcade games released.

The First Home Video Game System - 1972/5
In 1972 Bushnell and Dabney created the first home video game system and called it 'Atari'. In 1975 the first game created by Atari is Pong and was released with the production of 150,000 units. 
The First Cartridge Based System - 1977
In 1977 Atari introduced its first cartridge based home video system called Video Computer System which later became know as the Atari 2600

Nintendo - 1983
Nintendo created their first console called the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Within the same year Cinematronics debuts Rick Dyer's Dragon Lair, the first video game to feature laser-disc tech. It was realised in 1983 in Japan and
1986 in the U.S

Tetris - 1985
Playable on PC, Russian programmer Alex Pajitnov creates the popular game Tetris.
Nintendo Game Boy - 1989
Nintendo releases the handheld Game Boy
Super NES - 1991
Released in the US by Nintendo for $249.95
Age Ratings introduced in 1994
Mandatory age ratings were introduced that would display an age rating on the video game packaging to limit the use of violent content being shown to children.

Growth in competition with Sony and Nintendo in 1995
Sony created the Playstation for the U.S for $299. It became the most popular game console in 1997 with 20 million units sold. Nintendo released the Nintendo 64 in Japan, this too was extremely popular. 

In 2001 Microsoft and Nintendo created the 1st Generation of popular home video game consoles. Microsoft claims its Xbox offers 'the most powerful game experiences ever'. The product (estimated retail price of $299) comes with a built-in hard drive and Ethernet port. Nintendo's GameCube (suggested retail price of $199) delivers new forms of interactive gaming for players and an easier development environment for game creators. Nintendo also released the GameBoy Advance, a portable gaming system.

Nintendo releases the Nintendo DS in 2004, a portable system with two screens, one of which can be used as a touch screen

Nintendo and Sony - 2006
Nintendo releases the Wii, a gaming system that lets gamers use the controller in revolutionary ways, such as swinging it like a tennis racket, holding and tilting it like a steering wheel, and more. Sony also debuts the PlayStation 3, a very sophisticated and expensive game system.

GTA 4 and Social Games - 2008
Grand Theft Auto 4 breaks sales records its first week after gamers bought more than 6 million. The Wii Fit is launched. Social gaming becomes popular with FarmVille and Angry birds.

Microsoft and Sony - 2010 
Sony and Microsoft takes the motion control system idea from Nintendo and ally them to their own consoles

Skyrim - 2011
The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim showcases the beauty, majesty and massiveness of video games as players could explore a seemingly endless, beautifully rendered fantasy world.

Sony and Microsoft - 2013 
Both Sony (PlayStation 4) and Microsoft (XBoox One) release new gaming platforms this year. Nintendo also released the  Wii U in December 2012. 

Comp 1: Radio

Comp 1: Film Industry

Comp 1: Music Video

Comp 1: Advertising and Marketing